4 Reasons to Paint Interior in the Winter Months

Winter is a great time to schedule the professionals at Inside-Out to complete your painting project. 

Drying times. Your interior paint job will dry faster in the winter compared to summer (surprising, right?!) due to the moisture and humidity in the air. Paint takes longer to dry the more humid the air is, therefore it dries much quicker with crisp winter temperatures. 

Maximize your property value. Painting adds value to your property. If you are planning to sell your home or business in the spring, maximize your value by completing your project in the winter with Inside-Out.

Our schedule. Our painting teams are more flexible in the winter, allowing us to schedule your project around your schedule. We’re following all safety procedures to ensure a safe and efficient experience during COVID-19. 

Enjoy it right away. During the winter months, we all spend more time inside. Once your project is finished, you get to enjoy your painting transformation right away.

Protect your investment by calling Inside-Out. We also specialize in construction, roofing and many more services.


Phone: (630) 406 – 3000

Fax: (630) 454 – 3541




Monday – Friday 7:00am – 4:00pm
Saturday and Sunday CLOSED