Benefits of an Epoxy Coating System in your Commercial or Industrial Facility

Failed Epoxy Floor Removal

As concrete floors age and break down it usually creates many tough decisions by facility managers and business owners to make the correct choice on preventative or corrective measures on the best maintenance for floor protection. Questions usually raised include: “How do we choose the right flooring solution?” “How can we afford to shut down or have our production lines out of sync?” The best answer is to find the right contractor that has the experience and a solid reputation within the industry. There have been many contractors entering this market in the past few years so it is very important to check references and visit past job sites, if possible, of the contractor before entering into an agreement with them.

Epoxy Flooring – MMA Flooring

It is also important to make sure that the coatings being used are from a reputable manufacturer that will stand behind the materials specified for the job. The contractor should have a connection with the manufacturer and use their technological ability to make sure the product (s) being applied are correct for the project and the industry being served.As the industry sectors are being held more and more responsible for site cleanliness and the environments in the community which they reside, the ability to clean up spills from an epoxy coated floor become much easier due to the surface being impermeable. In facilities that have multiple shifts clean-ups and/or liquids spill, having an epoxy-coated surface will prove to be a cost savings and enhance employee safety. Having the right flooring solution is not only for functionality anymore, it also will provide value in the aesthetics of the facility. PHOTO LINK BROKEN – Industrial Floor Striping – Epoxy Floor Striping – Floor Striping Business managers will see many benefits in a floor coating system. Less dust and dirt will eliminate a potential cause for product contamination since the raw concrete is now coated and not breaking down. A level and smooth surface for fork lift traffic enables less jarring and extends tire wear to add value and save in maintenance costs.
The ability to have cracks and holes filled and removed that could be safety issues also becomes a plus to production, making it safer for pedestrian traffic and potential injuries. Prior to product selection discuss with the contractor if the floor will need to have chemical and liquid resistant properties. Some standard epoxy coatings will be affected adversely by the type of equipment or harsh chemicals it is exposed to. Therefore, it is very important to discuss with the contractor the activity the floor will endure in order to make sure the correct products are applied. Epoxy coatings will provide longevity to a floor surface’s life cycle but it cannot handle heavy impacts or extreme weight.

Industrial Floor Striping – Epoxy Floor Striping – Floor Striping

Business managers will see many benefits in a floor coating system. Less dust and dirt will eliminate a potential cause for product contamination since the raw concrete is now coated and not breaking down. A level and smooth surface for fork lift traffic enables less jarring and extends tire wear to add value and save in maintenance costs.
The ability to have cracks and holes filled and removed that could be safety issues also becomes a plus to production, making it safer for pedestrian traffic and potential injuries. Prior to product selection discuss with the contractor if the floor will need to have chemical and liquid resistant properties. Some standard epoxy coatings will be affected adversely by the type of equipment or harsh chemicals it is exposed to. Therefore, it is very important to discuss with the contractor the activity the floor will endure in order to make sure the correct products are applied. Epoxy coatings will provide longevity to a floor surface’s life cycle but it cannot handle heavy impacts or extreme weight.

Property – Epoxy Floor Preparation

Again, it is imperative to select the best contractor for the project so the best results will be achieved.A complete flooring system begins with proper floor preparation- key to the adhesion bonding of the coatings. Don’t forget to discuss an anti-slip surface and how aggressive the coating should be prior to the application of materials. Remember- the more aggressive or rough top the floor is, the harder it will be to clean in most instances.The normal steps in a typical floor coating would be a primer or sealer coating being applied first. Then, in most cases, a two-part epoxy resin coating, which is the final step. A clear coat, aggregates such as quartz, or a colored flake broadcast can be added into the floor to give a more decorative finish, if so desired.

Written By: Matt Cosme, Commercial / Industrial Sales, Inside-Out Painting & Construction