Ice Dam Q&A with Roofing Experts at Inside-Out

Snow and ice weigh on your property roof and overall structure. When temperatures rise above freezing in the winter months, ice dams are more likely to form on the edge of your property’s roof. Don’t wait! If you notice an ice dam on your roof, Inside-Out can help with prompt and effective removal by raking snow off your property roof. Contact the Chicago roofing experts, Inside-Out to remove the snow off your property’s roof today.

Q: What is an Ice Dam?

A: Ice dams are formed by the buildup of ice along the overhang of your property roof. They are caused by melting snow can cause water to leak into houses causing interior damage. It can also harm your roof, siding and gutters. 

Q: How does an Ice Dam form?

A: Ice dams form when there is a buildup of snow on your roof and temperatures rise above freezing. This causes warm air to escape your property, causing snow to melt and re-freeze. Roof shingles are only made for water runoff (not water accumulation), so that water will go under the shingles, and into your property if not taken care of. This can result into a leak or flooding, which can ruin your property’s interior – and be costly to repair. 

Q: How to prevent Ice Dams? 

A: The simplest preventative measure is to hire a professional roofing contractor, like the team at Inside-Out to rake the snow off of your roof – just 4-6′ from the gutters. Send us a work order to get started at Prior to winter, it’s good to ensure there is ample insulation in the property’s attic and to clear gutters of debris, which can prevent blockage. 

Q: Can you use salt to clear snow from my roof?

A: Inside-Out does NOT recommend not throwing salt on your roof shingles because the salt can cause damage to your roof. Instead, we offer other options – such as removing snow with a roof rake and using calcium chloride on the roof line/gutter to help melt ice. 

Q: What is roof rake? 

A: Our roofing tech’s at Inside-Out use a roof rake to pull snow off of your roof. It is designed to remove snow around ice dams without causing damage to your property’s roof shingles or gutters. A roof rake does not remove ice, only snow. To remove ice, we fill panty hoses with calcium chloride and put on the roof line/gutter system to help melt the ice. We come back at a later date to pickup the panty hoses to prevent clogging the downspouts. 

Q: What if I discover interior damage? 

A: Inside-Out will help you assess the damage and schedule your interior roof repairs after the snow season is over. We’re experts in drywall repair, priming, painting, and replacing roof shingles. 

Protect your multifamily or commercial investment by hiring the roofing experts at Inside-Out to rake snow off your property’s roof. As you know, the roof of any property is of utmost importance, as it protects many facets of the building both inside and out. As always, call Inside-Out if you notice a roof emergency at 630-406-3000


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